
Select Blogs

Current content - (2024 -)

Party On, TCR Party - (2023)

Three Steps to User Control - (2023)

Decentralized Identity and Web3 - (2022)

SIWE is a Game-Changer - (2022)

On Power - A Brief Overture - (2020)

On Abstraction and Risk - (2020)

TCRs and Predictions Markets - (2019)

On Governance - Futarchy - (2019)

On Governance - Coordination - (2019)

The Death of Decentralization - (2018)

Futility Tokens - (2018)

Recent Speaking and Podcasts

Defeating Big Login with SIWE - (2023)

Decentralized Identity Roadmap - (2023)

Decentralized Identity with GR - (2022)

News Articles and Quotes

Forbes - Ethereum Global Identity - (2023)

TechCrunch - Spruce Series A - (2022)

CoinDesk - Mozilla Identity - (2021)

Odds and Ends

Auth0 SIWE Integration Tutorial - (2023)

EIP-4361 - (2021)

TCR Party - (2019)